FretWraps HD - Escoge Tamaño y Color!

$ 295.00
Tamaño y Color

FretWraps HD

Creative muting. Without the scrunchie.


Finalmente, un accesorio que sirve para eliminar el ruido / mutear tu señal / y quitar la humedad de tus cuerdas tanto en vivo como en estudio.  Quita la resonancia inutil de tus cuerdas mientras grabas tappings o agrega un muting extra para grabaciones mucho mas limpias. El strap ajustable permite que ajustes que tan dura quieres la presion de tus cuerdas.  No necesitas modificar tu guitarra para usar FretWraps!

Finally, a professional string dampener / muting accessory that every studio, session player, and tapping aficionado should have! Slide on a FretWrap to effectively cut overtones and sympathetic resonance during recording, live performance, two-hand tapping, or any creative situation where you need that extra muting hand for cleaner takes without the unwanted string noise or ringing. The adjustable strap lets you fine-tune the pressure and dampening of the strings. Quickly slides over the headstock when not in use. No special guitar modification, installation, or tools required - Yet amazingly effective!

SM - Fits 4-string basses, 6-string electric and acoustic guitars, and ukeleles
MD - Fits 5-string basses & 6-string classical guitars
LG - Fits 6-string basses & 7- to 8-string guitars
XL - Fits 8- to 12-string basses, Chapman Sticks, double basses & other extended range guitar

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